Little or no yard space? Let's create a secret balcony or rooftop container garden and transform that unused area into beautiful green space.
Apartment dwellers can enjoy all the benefits of living in harmony with nature as a container gardener. As with all gardening we will work with you and access your area and desired level of maintenance to provide you with an easy care green solution to beautify and soften your balcony.
By choosing the right plants and addressing concerns such as weight loads and watering your balcony or rooftop garden will be a rewarding and relaxing retreat that will be enjoyed from your home as well as the street below.
All advantages of a garden on the ground can be enjoyed on a rooftop or balcony. Scaled down water features, propane outdoor fireplaces, pathways, vegetable gardens, raised beds and garden art may all be included as space permits. Your guests will appreciate being entertained outdoors surrounded by plants and other elements of nature with the city lights as a backdrop to a picture perfect summer evening.

Balcony gardening is not limited to urban areas, anyone can enjoy a secret container garden. Extend your gardens to your door by incorporating potted plants on your deck or doorstep. Since balcony gardening is time saving and cost efficient you can still enjoy nature without the initial expense of a garden installation. Wherever you may live we will work with you to create a balcony garden best suited to your needs.